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Embrace Grace
It is the mission of Embrace Grace to inspire and equip the church to love on single and pregnant young women, so they will have a place to go for spiritual, emotional, and physical support. We are looking for partners who will give gifts for their baby showers, bring snacks/dinner for the weekly class, and volunteer time or services for these beautiful young ladies.
Sign Up Today!

Micah Marshall

Phone: 405.255.6066

Victory OKC

Room #25



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Embrace Grace
It is the mission of Embrace Grace to inspire and equip the church to love on single and pregnant young women, so they will have a place to go for spiritual, emotional, and physical support. We are looking for partners who will give gifts for their baby showers, bring snacks/dinner for the weekly class, and volunteer time or services for these beautiful young ladies.
Sign Up Today!

Micah Marshall

Phone: 405.255.6066

Victory OKC

Room #25



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