All Community Groups
- CHRIST-ianity: Returning to our first love - Edit
- EDM | Become Good Soil Campfire - Edit
- EDM | Grief Share - Edit
- EDM | The Family Circle - Edit
- EDM | Warriors Arise - Edit
- EDM | Lifting Spirits - Edit
- EDM | Intercessory Prayer – Standing in the Gap for the City of Edmond and the State of Oklahoma - Edit
- EDM | Hand In Hand - Edit
- EDM | Between the Lines - Edit
- EDM | Between the Lines - Edit
- EDM | Reveal to Heal - Edit
- EDM | The Guys - Edit
- EDM | Ladies of Hope and Light - Edit
- EDM | Grace - Edit
- EDM | Women Seeking Jesus - Edit
- EDM | Jesus, Mommy & Me - Edit
- EDM | Strollers - Edit
- EDM | Intercessory Prayer - Edit
- EDM | Intercessory Prayer – At home (doesn’t meet in person) - Edit
- EDM | Men’s ReLeader Circle - Edit
- EDM | Women’s Bible Study – Hebrews (Evening Session) - Edit
- EDM | Women’s Bible Study – Hebrews (Morning Session) - Edit
- EDM | Men’s Breakfast - Edit
- EDM | Uncommon Love (Parents of LGBTQ) - Edit
- EDM | The Next Chapter for Women - Edit
- EDM | Beautiful Friendships Women’s Breakfast - Edit
- EDM | Discover Your Victory Circles - Edit
- EDM | Grit, Grace & Gains - Edit
- EDM | Victory Over Weakness - Edit
- EDM | Grief…a Journey - Edit
- EDM | Rooted in Wellness - Edit
- EDM | Victory Missions - Edit
- EDM | Freedom - Edit
- EDM | Freedom - Edit
- EDM | The Old and the New Mens Bible Study - Edit
- EDM | The Old and the New Mens Bible Study - Edit
- EDM | The Old and the New Mens Bible Study - Edit
- EDM | Prophetic Book Study (PBS) - Edit
- EDM | Guys Grabbing Grub And Talking About God - Edit
- EDM | Guys grabbing coffee and talking about God - Edit
- EDM | Guys grabbing coffee and talking about God - Edit
- EDM | Gibborim Qum (Warriors Arise) - Edit
- EDM | Gibborim Qum - Edit
- EDM | Bridge Builders - Edit
- EDM | Bridge Builders - Edit
- EDM | Fixing Your Money Thing - Edit
- EDM | The Old and the New Bible Study - Edit
- EDM | Parents of Prodigals - Edit
- EDM | Where the Wild Things Are - Edit
- EDM | Gentlemen’s Recreation - Edit
- EDM | The Purpose Driven Life - Edit
- EDM | Sisters - Edit
- EDM | Young Adults - Edit
- EDM | Young Adults - Edit
- EDM | Leadership Circle - Edit
- EDM | Grace For Shame - Edit
- EDM | The Middies - Edit
- EDM | Intentional Marriage - Edit
- EDM | Sons of Thunder - Edit
- EDM | Toddler Tribe - Edit
- EDM | Building The Next Generation - Edit
- EDM | Empower Her - Edit
- EDM | Embrace Grace - Edit
- EDM | Bypass Him No More - Edit
- EDM | Toddler Tribe - Edit
- EDM | Wrapped In Prayer - Edit
- EDM | Edmond Single Ladies - Edit
- EDM | Date Night - Edit
- EDM | Beloved Sons - Edit
- EDM | Sunset Early Childhood Center - Edit
- OKC | Sr. Adult Bible Study - Edit
- OKC | Embrace Grace - Edit
- OKC | A Table 4-ALL Nations - Edit
- EDM | L.I.F.T. - Edit
- EDM | Edmond Ladies Luncheon - Edit
- EDM | Iron Works - Edit
- EDM | Joyful Noise - Edit
- EDM | Men + Business - Edit
- EDM | Moms with Littles - Edit
- EDM | Women’s Travel Group - Edit
- OKC | Dignity In Grace Mentor Training - Edit
- EDM | Embrace Grace - Edit
- OKC | Called to Care - Edit
- OKC | Fresh Fire - Edit
- OKC | Iron Sharpens Iron - Edit
- OKC | Friends of Warr Acres Nursing Center - Edit
- OKC | Jane’s Book Club - Edit
- OKC | We Are Enough - Edit
- OKC | Abortion Recovery - Edit
- EDM | Saturday Morning Fellowship - Edit
- OKC | Living Life TOGETHER - Edit
- OKC | Men of Integrity - Edit
- WarrioReady - Edit
- OKC | Healing School: Receiving and Ministering Healing - Edit
- OKC | Apartment Life - Edit
- OKC | All the Single Mommas - Edit
- EDM | Bread Breakers - Edit
- OKC | Saturday Sanctuary - Edit
- EDM | Journaling the Word - Edit
- OKC | Freedom From Grief and Abuse - Edit
- OKC | Unavoidable Journaling the Word - Edit
- EDM | #MomGoals (Sundays) - Edit
- EDM | #MomGoals (Wednesdays) - Edit
- OKC | Branch 15 Birthday Blessings - Edit
- OKC | Men’s Bible Dinner - Edit
- OKC | Encounter Home Group - Edit
- OKC | Encounter Home Group - Edit
- EDM | Saturdays are for the Boys - Edit
- EDM | Cross Timbers Elementary - Edit
- EDM | Ida Freeman Elementary - Edit
- EDM | Sunset Elementary - Edit
- OKC | Foster the Family - Edit
- EDM | Better Together - Edit
- EDM | Better Together - Edit
- EDM | Married With Young Kids - Edit
- EDM | Conquer Series- The Battle Plan for Purity - Edit
- OKC | Be the SURVIVOR - Edit
- OKC | So Will I - Edit
- OKC | We Saved You A Seat - Edit
- OKC | MAD (Make a Difference) - Edit
- OKC | MAD – Make a Difference - Edit
- OKC | MomStrong - Edit
- EDM | Victory Unleashed - Edit
- EDM | Ladies Safety - Edit
- EDM | Wednesday Evening Men - Edit
- OKC | PURE Missions - Edit
- EDM | Edmond Handymen - Edit
- OKC | Alicia Lutz Home Group - Edit
- OKC | Financial Peace University - Edit
- OKC | Taking It To The Streets - Edit
- OKC | Unhooked - Edit
- EDM | Willingheart - Edit
- EDM | Open Heart - Edit
- OKC | Firearms & Self Defense - Edit
- EDM | Set Apart, Together - Edit
- OKC | Food Prep With Friends - Edit
- OKC | Mama Warriors - Edit
- OKC | BE FIT - Edit
- OKC | Set Apart 2019 - Edit
- EDM | Safe Families - Edit
- EDM | Set Apart Ladies - Edit
- EDM | Going the Distance - Edit
- OKC | Beautiful Restoration Dreams - Edit
- OKC | Real Estate 101 - Edit
- OKC | Worshipping With Power Tools - Edit
- OKC | Stitches of Love - Edit
- OKC | B.A.M. - Edit
- OKC | Everyone’s Voice - Edit
- EDM | Prayer for the Nation - Edit
- EDM | Marriage in Community - Edit
- EDM | Marriage Enrichment - Edit
- OKC | Family Matters - Edit
- OKC | Divorce Care - Edit
- OKC | Grief Recovery - Edit
- OKC | Better Together Bible Study - Edit
- OKC | Women of Destiny - Edit
- OKC | Open Vessels - Edit
- OKC | H.O.P.E - Edit
- OKC | BR Salvaged Work Group - Edit
- OKC | Healing & Health - Edit
- OKC | Joyfully Wild Wellness - Edit
- OKC | Men of Victory - Edit
- OKC | Bold Restoration - Edit
- OKC | 1 of 13 Discipleship Group - Edit
- OKC | Sr. Adult Bible Study - Edit
- OKC | Men’s Bible Breakfast West - Edit
- OKC | Reboot - Edit
- OKC | Men’s Life - Edit
- OKC | Men’s Recovery - Edit
- OKC | Hopeful - Edit
- OKC | Women’s Life - Edit
- OKC | Young Women’s Life (18-28 yrs) - Edit
- OKC | Women’s Addiction - Edit
- OKC | Men’s Bible Breakfast South - Edit
- OKC | The Holy Spirit & God’s Grace - Edit
- OKC | Mom’s Group - Edit
- OKC | Beautiful Restoration – Sharing - Edit
- OKC | Friends of BDS - Edit
- OKC | VIP Seniors (50+) - Edit
- OKC | Blended Families: Stronger Together - Edit
- OKC | Hebrews Our Daily Cup - Edit
- OKC | Paul’s Bowling Group - Edit
- OKC | Encounter Worship Night - Edit
- OKC | Wednesday Night Pre-Service Prayer - Edit
- OKC | Saturday Morning Prayer & Live Worship - Edit
- OKC | Prayer For The Nation - Edit
- OKC | The Spirit of Gathering - Edit
- OKC | A God Led Marriage - Edit
- OKC | Marriage Fellowship - Edit
- EDM | The Spirit of Gathering - Edit
- EDM | Rise Above - Edit
- EDM | Women’s Freedom - Edit
- EDM | Men’s Freedom - Edit
- EDM | Victory Edmond Motorcycle - Edit
- EDM | VIP- Senior Life - Edit
- EDM | Play & Pray - Edit
- EDM | Firearms & Self Defense - Edit
- EDM | Soulcon - Edit
- EDM | Victory Young Adults - Edit
- EDM | Pursuing Your Purpose - Edit
- EDM | Men’s Monday Evening Fellowship - Edit
- EDM | Foodies - Edit
- EDM | Bread Breakers 2 - Edit
- OKC | Victory Shooters - Edit
- EDM | Victory Young Adults - Edit
- OKC | Sisterhood - Edit
- OKC | Healing School: Questions About Healing - Edit